Star Trek Uniform Capes for Office Chairs

Add some awesome Trek decor in your office or home with these fun Star Trek Original Series chair capes! The vibrantly colored capes hang on the back of office chairs or other kinds of chairs. They attach via an adjustable hook and loop belt and strap mechanism.

TOS Era Green Uniform Chair Cape

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Evoke the spirit of The Original Series with this green Star Trek chair cape.

Engineering Red Star Trek Office Chair Cape

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In the original series, Red Shirts had notoriously bad luck, especially on away missions. Put this one on your chair at your peril.

Science & Medical Blue Star Trek Chair Cape

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On a science track at the Academy? Then you'll need this awesome Starfleet insignia blue cape for your chair.

Klingon Empire Outdoor Flag for Star Trek Fans

Share your Star Trek fandom by proudly flying the flag of the Klingon Empire! The familiar trident-style logo looks super classy and will display your fandom to those in the know. In the realm of science fiction, few symbols are as instantly recognizable as the emblem of the Klingons,...

Star Trek Sticky While You Were Out Pad & Notes

Journey to the final frontier of note taking with the Star Trek Sticky Notes booklet, where Lt. Uhura from the Original Series takes command of your reminders and to-do...

Subtle Star Trek Home Decor: Light Switch Covers

Add some Trek to your home decor in a subtle way with these boldly colored, functional light switch covers. Themed covers like these can add a spark of art without overpowering other decor in the room or the overall theme. These lightswitch cover plates come in three different...

Star Trek Old School Tricorder Pillow

This fun piece of home decor will add some Trek fun to any room. Place this novelty throw pillow on your couch, chair, bed, or anywhere else that could use some plush Star Trek fun. This pillow shaped like an old school tricorder from Star Trek measures about 16.5"...